Porcelain tiles can provide the ultimate flooring solution for your home, both inside and out.

Beautifully designed, steeped in personality and extremely hard-wearing, they truly make for the perfect base for your homely space.

If you’ve really fallen in love with an indoor tile, why should you be forced to choose a different design for your exterior space?

Luckily, PrimaPorcelain has you covered for just that with our comprehensive range of indoor/outdoor transition tiles.


indoor outdoor transition



Benefits of an indoor outdoor transition

For many properties, space can be at a premium and any inside tricks to increase that space is a welcome blessing.

Using the same tile/paver design both inside and outside can create a seamless transition from your interior design to your outdoor space. It’s also a fantastic way of creating space and instantly opens up each room.

Alternating flooring designs stop the aesthetic flow of an interior design. By continuing the same floor pattern from one room to the next, you can effectively make each room seem bigger by allowing them to flow seamlessly into the adjoining space.

Best of all, this ethos can just as easily be applied to the outside, making your interior design flow effortlessly into the outside and vice versa.


How to create an indoor outdoor transition

The first port of call for anyone looking to create a seamless indoor outdoor transition is the subject of tile design. Naturally, you’ll need to pick the same tile design for both your indoor tile (10mm) and outdoor paver (20mm), so be sure your chosen design is available in both formats.

Once you’ve settled on a design, your next area of focus should be the adjoining border between interior and exterior. For the most effective use of indoor/outdoor transition pavers, it’s well worth investing in sliding or foldable patio doors. This can be utilised to particularly notable effect if you have a level patio.

That way, when you open up the doors, you effectively merge your outdoor space with your interior, creating a continuous pattern with an unbroken design flow that spills out into the outdoors.

Blurring the lines between where the interior ends and the exterior begins provides space on both sides of the coin, regardless of which side you find yourself.

The garden will feel bigger from the outside, while the indoors will seem more spacious from the inside, truly creating the best of both worlds in terms of space.


Things to consider when creating an indoor outdoor transition

It’s important to remember that indoor tiles are more often than not just that – designed for the indoors. As such, indoor tiles are typically not suitable for outdoor use.

In order to create continuity with the same design inside and out, you must first find an indoor tile design that is also available as an outdoor paver.

Sadly, this isn’t always the case and, as a result, not all indoor tiles will be available in outdoor form, effectively putting the kibosh on your indoor/outdoor design dreams.

To avoid disappointment, be sure to check your tile of choice is stocked in both indoor and outdoor forms before you let your imagination run wild. It could help prevent porcelain heartbreak down the line.


Hints & Tips: indoor/outdoor transition

Light pavers have a knack for opening up a space, creating the illusion that your property is bigger than it actually is. For the ultimate space saving solution, combine bright tiles with a level patio and foldable doors to bring your outdoor space and interior design together as one.

Additionally, be sure to keep an eye on the slip rating. If you intend to use your outdoor space for watery fun and games – whether it’s a kid’s pool, a jacuzzi or anything else – a tile with a low grip rating could become a hazard when wet.

Where possible, opt for a tile with a high grip rating for outdoor use. This will provide firmer traction underfoot, limit potential slips and make for a safer surface, particularly after heavy rainfall.


For additional information on outdoor to indoor tile design and transition tiles, call now on 0800 028 8756 or get in touch online using the link below.

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