For long-time residents of the UK, our dull and dismal climate will be a gripe that’s all too familiar.

The weather across the UK is characteristically wet throughout the year, predictably unpredictable and habitually putting a dampener on British summertime.

With such a high likelihood of rainfall, it’s important that you take this into consideration when planning out your garden design.

If you’re planning on revamping your outside space, slip-resistant tiles are a wise choice. Luckily, here at AlfrescoPlus, we’ve got you covered.


Get a Grip

At AlfrescoPlus, all of our outdoor tile ranges have been specifically designed to withstand the environmental demands of an outdoor setting – including the eventuality of heavy rain.

Each of our porcelain paving tiles are extremely robust, vitrified for extreme durability. The vitrification process not only ensures their ability to resist scratches, cracks and abrasions, but it also provides each tile with an impressively low porosity.

With a porosity level of less than 0.05%, our tiles retain virtually no moisture. Not only does this mean they dry out faster in wet weather but it also means that they are frost-resistant, providing further slip-protection in colder conditions.


Last Traction Hero

Our wide range of porcelain tiles boast a myriad of features for grip and slip-resistance, most notably their textured finish. This is a specific design choice made to enhance underfoot stability in all weather conditions, while also making it a top material for a poolside surround or base for a hot tub.

Additionally, each outdoor paving tile is 20mm thick and durable enough to withstand a heavy weight, which – when coupled with their slip-resisting qualities – also makes them perfect for driveways, as well as back gardens and patios.


Rate Expectations

For clarity purposes, all paving tiles on the AlfrescoPlus site have been graded with a “Grip Factor” of 1-5, with 1 being low and 5 being highly slip-resistant. The majority of our outdoor tiles are rate 4 or above, making porcelain paving from AlfrescoPlus a safe bet when it comes to slip-protection.

Additionally, all our outdoor tiles are also given a designated slip score, known as an “R Rating”; this ranking system has been designed and implemented by the government’s Health and Safety Executive. While this is helpful in determining performance, it’s important to note that scores are recorded between R9 and R13 and not beginning at R1 as you would logically believe.

What are you waiting for? Don’t slip up with your outdoor tile choice – call AlfrescoPlus today and give your outdoor design a tile it can rely on, whatever the weather!


For more information on our slip-resistant tiles and further details on outdoor paving attributes, why not drop us a line? Call now on 0800 028 8756 or get in touch online using the button below.

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